Tuesday, 12 August 2014

IE rubrics

Dear Class,

The rubrics used for IE is here.
Please refer to it every now and then.

thank you

Wednesday, 2 July 2014


A) Important Events to remember

1) Exploring Entrepreneurs Camp @ Ngee Ann Polytechnic
Dates: 10th & 11th Sept (Wed, Thurs)
Time: 8am - 5pm 
Venue: Ngee Ann Polytechnic

2) Social Innovation Challenge in Term 4 W4 Presentation 
( Note: End of Year Exam is in Term 4 W2-3)

3) IE Bazaar in Term 4 W4

B) Choose 1 Topic that you would like to address for social challenges (Safety)

  • Bicycle Theft
  • Locker Theft
  • Toilet/ Cashier Theft
  • School Safety

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

T2 W4 Homework

Give 10 causes from the Problem Statement chosen (Highlight 1 problem of the 5 given)

Dateline is 22nd April.

Until now these students have not submit their problem statements.
1. Thuta
2. Rapheal

Please do so by today.

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

What we learnt today?

We discussed about Global Challenges and solutions for them. Examples are Rich<---------------->Poor Gap and Science and Technology. I will start a spreadsheet and share it with the class once we are done with the spreadsheet.  Please complete the spreadsheet over the weekend. Deadline is Friday 2359 hrs. Thank you!
P.S. I will come after you if you don't complete this. >:)

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

T2 W 1 Homework

Consider 1 Social Challenges that needs to be address.

You may get idea from James Martin.

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Steve Jobs:Sell Dreams not Products(Irfan, Kian Shiong and Jonas)

T1W4 - About Steve Job

Of the principles your classmates presented, which principle is MOST important in driving innovation?WHY? (explain)

Kickstart your brain (Ryan,Meng Hou,Shakthi)

Kickstart your brain

Creativity leads to innovative ideas. For Steve Jobs, creativity is connecting things, Jobs believes that a broad set of experiences expands our understanding of the human experience. A broader understanding leads to breakthroughs that others may have missed. Broadening your experience also means seeking inspiration from other industries. At various times, Jobs has found inspiration in a phone book, Zen meditation, visiting India, the fine details of a Mercedes-Benz, a food processor at Macy's, or The Four Seasons hotel chain. Jobs doesn't "steal" ideas as much as he uses ideas from other industries to inspire his own creativity.

By Mitchell York

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